Complex materials machining
CEA is looking for advanced manufacturing equipments to robotize its machining operations.
Following unsatisfactory tests of off-the-shelf solutions, Nimbl’bot and CEA joined forces to develop a robot dedicated to precision machining. The first results are expected in 2021. Interested? Let’s talk about it!
NB – 120
Client : CEA
Expectations :
- Surface roughness : 3,2<Ra<10 – ISO 25178
- General tolerances : cl – ISO2768

Nimbl’bot’s contribution : The NB-120
Prototype equiped with a 1.5 kW spindle
Workspace : 1x1x1 m3
Velocity : to be determined
Software : CNC HMI with G-CODE program
CEA’s contribution
Expertise in machining
High accuracy metrology capabilities
Comparative results from machining tools
We are looking for partners for a use case
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